Saturday, May 2, 2009

City Life

I have been thinking about the problems of city-life recently. Its not just the sicknesses that we are all aware of - swine flu, cancer and all that. Its the stresses that we go through, rushing from one thing to another and hardly spending enough time with our families and people we cherish in life.

Its constantly being hounded by workloads in office, and even after trying our best we still have a sense of failure when we cannot finish all that we have to do or when the boss doesn't seem to appreciate all our efforts. And whilst we are giving our heart and soul to our work, the people we love and who loves us... our parents... our spouses... our children.... are waiting for us to go home.

Its tragic that we don't realise what's happening because we think that that's the way to go, to work hard and earn a living so that we can have a 'better life' - a bigger house, a nicer car, a new handphone like everybody else, a new notebook and all kinds of material things. We rush about life frantically and don't see the things God has put around us - the beauty of His creation, the blind person crossing the road, the ones who are alone and hurting, the old ones who have no one to love them and the sick who have lost hope.... the people who love us... God.

I want to slow down, I really do, but its like I'm caught inside a machine that cannot stop. I think its like being on a conveyor belt destined for somewhere, and if I want a change, I need to hop off this conveyor belt and hop onto another one.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

It is good to reflect on our life once in a while. But those who are on the same conveyor belt, they move on. Would you miss out? Perhaps not. Probably until a certain time or season of life they jump to another belt also. Perhaps when they grew older quality time with family seems more important. Have a blessed weekend!