Friday, June 15, 2012


I'm finally able to sit down and blog now that Caleb is taking a nap.  I just finished a load of laundry, folded them up, sterilised his feeding bottles, tidied up the house, put my unfinished pizza in the fridge and now typing as fast as I can before he wakes up!  Such is the life of a stay home mom.

Nowadays I spend most of my weekdays at home.  I did plan to take Caleb out to the mall on my own, but then news broke of the attempted kidnap at the parking lot of a nearby mall and now I'm hesitant to do so (Though I doubt anyone would want to kidnap me in my current unkempt state!)

It's challenging and definitely not easy breezy as a stay home mom, but it's such a blessing to see little developments, growth and best of all, smiles in the little one each day.

My mind is a bit fuzzy due to my frantic day, so here are some pictures instead.

The smile that can melt hearts
I'm always trying to take snapshots of us together
Happy baby

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The birth

I last wrote when I was 36 weeks pregnant and now, in the blink of my sleepy eye... Caleb is already 3 months.  I shall now attempt a rewind to the life-changing day of Caleb's birth.

I have to say, Caleb's birth day was pretty perfect.  It was Wednesday, the 14th of March and 10 days to my due date.  Woke up at 8am and realised I had a 'show'.  Thankfully, hubby had not gone to work yet! Packed my bags, had a shower and off we went to.... McDonalds.  We had to get a good breakfast before checking into the hospital.  

During breakfast, I felt mild contractions but that hardly distracted me from my delicious egg McMuffin and hash browns.  However, by the end of breakfast the contractions were getting stronger but still bearable.  Off we went, with our satisfied tummies, to Pantai Hospital.

Checked into labour ward, got inspected by the nurse and found that I was 3cm dilated and ready to be admitted immediately! At first I refused the epidural thinking that I could endure the initial contraction pains but the pains got much more intense within a few minutes.  Plus contractions seemed to be at a 1 minute interval.  I quickly asked for epidural, and it was administered to my spine in 15 minutes.  Slowly, I felt my lower half go numb and I was relieved.  Soon I was chatting away with hubby and updating my Facebook status.

I was on the hospital bed all day waiting for full dilation whilst baby's heartbeat was being monitored.  Anyway, my doctor was at the operating theatre in the afternoon so I just had to wait.  Finally, Dr Wong arrived at 7pm to check me, and I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push. 

The nurses started preparing me for birth and that's when I got real nervous.  Thankfully, the epidural took away all my pain.  Then hubby held my hands and at the nurses instructions, I had to push.  Pushing wasn't random, but it was timed together with the contractions.  I pushed and pushed until my face turned blue, purple, green....white. Still no baby in sight.  

Anyway, to cut the long story short, doctor came back with a vacuum and I pushed like crazy for another 20 minutes and at 8.15pm, Caleb was out! What a relief!!! 

I really thank God for answering my prayers yet again, He is ever faithful to me :)

Ok, enough of writing... here are some pictures!

 Our first family photo
 1 day old Caleb
 Caleb's birth announcement