Friday, July 6, 2012

Baby talk

Caleb has settled into a more predictable routine these days which is great!  As he's nearing four months, his neck muscles are pretty strong and he's able to hold up his neck but it's still a little wobbly at times.  He sleeps at a regular time at night and I (hopefully) no longer have to stay awake till 3am! He's turning into a very chatty baby and keeps the whole family entertained with his baby talk.

Thankfully my milk supply is still there but I have started to supplement formula once a day though I try not to at all.  It's getting easier everyday as Caleb has begun to play on his gym alone for longer intervals allowing me to do stuff around the house. 

I've learnt a lot about Caleb taking care of him full-time over the past 3 months and realised that although motherhood is challenging, it is indeed a very fulfilling role.  I've begun to see glimpses of him laughing - he currently laughs once every few days which is a big treat for me :) Its interesting to notice how his yawns were silent at first, but now it comes with an 'aahhh'.....

I think being a happy and fulfilled stay home mum requires a change in mindset.  It's appreciating the opportunity to be involved in every part of the child's growing up years and learning new things every step of the way.

His many expressions
He loves his gym
Weekend family dinner

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