Thursday, July 19, 2012

Two Dogs and a Baby

My two dogs, Spottie and Bully have been wonderful in welcoming Caleb into our home.  As they're both considerably powerful breeds, we took extra precaution when Caleb returned home from the hospital with us.  Both dogs weren't allowed too close to Caleb for the first month.  We made an effort not to neglect them and continued to give Spottie and Bully their regular exercise.  We currently supervise any contact between Caleb and the two dogs and they've been really gentle with him.  Caleb seems to enjoy their company too.  We still never leave Caleb alone with the dogs though, just to be on the safe side.

Caleb and Bully
Caleb and Spottie
Hanging out in the garden together
It always saddens me when I hear of people giving away their dogs when their baby arrived.  Please don't.... dogs are part of the family too! 

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