Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Garden

I've been rather interested in plants since I moved into my new house because I think plants make a home really nice and cosy. I've also been largely influenced by my mum and my friend Stephanie because they both go to nurseries a lot and put much effort into their gardens. As a result, they have really beautiful and healthy plants.

Since I can't keep pets in the apartment (besides the guppy fishes), I've channeled some attention to my plants.

Here are some pictures I took this morning :)
Stephanie gave me this from her own garden :) I'm glad its still alive!!
This was one of the first plants my mum gave HH and I, I love how it looks when the sun shines on it. The colours are so vibrant!
I bought this last week for RM5 and it seems to be quite easy to care for :)
Bought this a few days ago, a new flower seems to bloom every 2 days.
I'm quite fascinated with this plant... recommended by Steph. When the man at the nursery told us a new flower blooms everyday, I thought he was joking. But he's quite correct, I can practically see the flower bloom in the mornings.


Stephanie said...

Hi Debbie, looks like you have created a lovely garden. Very nice! I like that Tradescantia spathacea variegata that your mum gave you. That's a good shot too. I had one before but died due to overwatering. Happy gardening!

jules said...

looks like you have new addition pretty often. :) very pretty.