Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nepalese Christmas Party

Hubby and I are involved in the Nepalese Ministry in church. It was started about 6 years ago by our friend Kelvin Yong who now heads the ministry. There are hundreds of thousands of Nepalese workers in Malaysia and they mostly work as security guards or factory workers.

Over the last 6 years, we have met many nice Nepalese friends, some of whom we have visited in Nepal after they returned to their country. Every year, we organise a Nepalese Christmas Party for them. We had a fabulous time and the Nepalese danced and sang their hearts out that night. Here are some pictures :)

Me, Umi and Julia
With our missionary friend, Heike
Nepalese food every year
The ministry leader, Kelvin

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

my line kept dropping for past two days... so I better be quick... Like the photos here! Keep up the good job! See you tonight. I heard from Kelvin some Nepali brothers are coming. Have a great countdown!