Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Registration of Marriage

HH and I got registered last Friday, 9 days before our wedding ceremony and dinner. So during this duration, I am half married. The pastor put it this way - married in the eyes of the law, but not yet in the eyes of God.

Its now less than a week to our wedding. We've done pretty much most of the preparations except the bulletin for the ceremony and our final table seatings. But its 90% done. We're quite relaxed and watched a movie tonight - Land of the Lost.... funny, quite wierd and silly. I had hoped to watch The Proposal but its not out yet :(

Both of us are on leave for 3 weeks!! I'm really looking forward to having a good break and honeymoon in Hong Kong :)


Stephanie said...

:-D congratulations 50% he he he...

jules said...

so you are half mrs thoo. :-p

you can watch the proposal when you are fully mrs thoo. hehe. it's out end of this week.