Sunday, June 14, 2009

Exhausted = Sick

I seriously need to add more margins in my life.  This week has been really exhausting. I was reminded last week that we are never 100% in control of our lives, no matter how much or far ahead we plan. There are many things mortal humans like us cannot foresee - death, impending sicknesses, accidents, natural disasters, pandemics.

I got the flu this week, I must have gotten it from mum, who got it from dad. It started with a sore throat and fever, then a cold and now, a cough. I'm much better now and don't have to worry about being quarantined for suspected H1N1. 

And as my schedule is packed so tight with (mostly) work, I couldn't really take any rest... and still spent the week running around like a headless chicken. So I got all frustrated... I don't think that's the way God wants me living my life... hectic and frantic.   

I'm so thankful right now to have the opportunity to blog before going to bed. Plus, I don't have to work tomorrow! Its time to rethink my priorities in life. I like how Pr Chris Hodges illustrated it - to put in the big rocks in the jar before filling the sand in.  The big rocks symbolise what's really important (God, family, ourselves) and the sand is whatever else that comes in the way (endless emails, smses, facebook, etc.). I not only need to know this principle, but practice it too.

Sleepy sleepy... Goodnight!


Lee Peng said...

hahaha... love your picture! Well, hope you'll be rejuvenated and get well soon!

Stephanie said...

Yesterday, we went to visit a Vietnamese college student. She was found unconscious. Sent to hospital. Found out there is tumor in her brain. So sad for her. Yes! rest when you know you need it ;-)

minying said...

get well soon