Monday, March 23, 2009


I'm not the type of person who wants to make it big. Nor am I the type who is comfortable with too much attention or fame. I like hanging out with close friends and family, and don't particularly like to meet new people that often.  I enjoy silence and being alone, listening to my own thoughts and tuning in to God's voice.  

I was watching a travel programme on TV today, and something I heard struck me.  It went like this, "People ask me how can I put my life on hold like that (to travel)? And my answer is how can you not?"  

That made me think - If there's a specific calling in my life to do something, how can I not do it? It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, they won't understand because my calling in life is unique. I should not let anyone dictate what I do in life, although they can advise - as long I know God's specific call for me and the passion that cannot be extinguished from my heart.

Thoo and me had the opportunity to meet a missionary last Sunday.  He told us that we have to be clear of God's calling for us (in any specific work), because its His calling that will sustain us through difficult times.  He heard God call him to be a missionary very clearly and that led him to 10 fulfilling years serving in the opposite side of the world.

I believe that if God has called us to do any specific work, He will make it clear to us and He will sustain us if we sincerely seek Him.  God does not have to go through different people (of higher rank, etc) to speak to us because we have a direct relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.  

but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.  John 14:31

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Thank you for sharing this. Our calling is unique? Nowadays,I am praying for God to prepare me for what He has planned for me to do in the future (my calling la) even when I do not know yet. I hope whatever I am doing now will be useful. Btw, the picture you posted here is so so beautiful.