Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I did something stupid today. I found a grasshopper on the floor in my room when I came back home tonight. So I just took it in a tissue and threw it out the window (assuming it'll just fly off). To my horror, there was a grasshopper leg left on the floor. I don't know what happened and why it's leg just dropped off like that! So I did some research to check whether grasshoppers' legs grow back. Someone said they do, but I'm not sure whether its a joke. And I checked whether the grasshopper could fly. Some said they can, but mostly they just hop very well, provided they still have that hind leg. So tonight, I learnt a little about grasshoppers. Even found out that some people keep them as pets! And they live for about a year. That's a short life. I feel quite bad about throwing the poor thing out the window. Maybe I should've placed it nicely on the grass or fed it some lettuce... oh well... it's gone now.

On another note, I've been busy editing a mission trips video for missions training. I've really enjoyed doing this video, although it's very tedious - looking at hours of (some very shaky) footage from dv tapes, dvds, mini dvds and hundreds of photos.... Sometimes I get annoyed that people take such bad videos (pardon my honesty) - leaving it on record when they're sleeping! And sometimes the videos are so shaky I begin to get dizzy and have to stop for awhile. But after the patience-testing task of transferring footage that I want comes the fun part of putting it all together!

Anyway, I better go to bed now because tomorrow is another full day of video editing!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Aiyoh, poor grasshopper. Can't wait to see your completed video. Sure very good one. Keep up the good job!