Thursday, January 28, 2010

Rat! (It's a long story!)

I spent last night at my parent's house because Spottie wasn't well and I wanted to spend time with him. He was having diahhrea on Monday and he ate grass while on his walks. We suspect that he must've accidentally eaten some poison too, because he started purging blood that night.

My parents took him to the UPM Veterinary Hospital in the morning. Spottie didn't want to eat anything but instead drank lots of water. I was really worried and prayed like crazy! When I went home yesterday evening, he was already back to his normal self! Praise God! :)

I hadn't been staying at my parent's house for the past few months so Spottie doesn't sleep in my room anymore. Instead, he's moved to the space in front of dad's home office.

I went to bed around midnight, after watching lots of Astro (deprived of it after marriage) and went to my room. I closed the door, and suddenly noticed something black scurrying around! I had locked a rat in with me in my room. I was mortified! I jumped on my bed, opened the door, closed the door behind me (like an Olympian) and ran to tell my parents that I had locked a rat in my room.

So my dad took a mouse trap and put it inside my room. Meanwhile, I watched some more tv, hoping that the rat would quickly go inside the trap. An hour later, I went to check. No rat in the trap. Dad said that he's going to leave the mouse trap in my room, and I can just go to bed. Horror of horrors! But dad was serious.

Off I went to Spottie... begging him to sleep in my room (the best rat deterrent). But he was comfortable where he was, in front of dad's office. I begged and begged, but Spottie would have nothing of it. He's a big dog so if he doesn't budge, you can't make him.

So I mustered all my courage, crept into my bed whilst looking suspiciously everywhere... and went to bed. I don't know where the rat is, but I hope its not in my room anymore!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Grandma turns 92

My parents, hubby and I travelled south to celebrate grandma's (dad's mum) 92nd birthday yesterday. Relatives from different states gathered at grandma's house first, then off we went to a restaurant nearby for a 10 course Chinese dinner. My aunt baked a delicious Black Forest birthday cake.

I met Maggie, grandma's new adorable puppy that my aunt had given her from a new litter of puppies at her home. I thank God for blessing grandma with long life and for placing me in this family where love is so abundant.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

End of Chapter

I resigned from my job this week. I have been praying about this issue for over a year and not a decision I made rashly. I sense God leading me to something new and I have to take a step of faith out of the comfort zone. I will definitely miss my wonderful colleagues at DC but will continue to see them as I will still be serving as a volunteer. And I'm also glad that my senior pastor gave me his support to move on and make a positive change in the world.

It's a big step I'm taking but I feel God's assurance that I am doing the right thing and walking in His will. To put it simply, its time for God to uproot me and plant me in a bigger pot in order for me to grow further.

I have a blank canvas ready for God to paint and I'm pretty excited. My last day will be at the end of March. I'm also looking forward to going for another mission trip to Nepal in April.

It's time to end another chapter of my life and begin a fresh new one. I am fully confident of God and will put my complete trust in Him. After all, He has never failed me.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

ChargeUp 2010

I had an awesome time at ChargeUp Conference 2010 organised by Livewire last week. This year was the first time they had a Visual Effects stream and I signed up for it. Was really excited to finally learn Adobe After Effects because I felt it was the missing link in my video projects. Special effects play a big role in video production these days.

Pr Sivin Kit's messages were very refreshing and relevant too, and I felt God speaking to me through his simple yet powerful messages.

God is indeed a creative God, and I've been inspired to continue to be creative for Him in touching the hearts of the people around me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh please....

The beginning of 2010 hasn't been that great for Malaysians as a whole. On the last day of 2009, the High Court ruled in favour of Christians using the word Allah for God. This sparked protests all over the country from some Muslims, and even caused division amongst Muslims - some supported the decision, some did not.

Over the past few days, there were arson attacks on 8 churches across the country. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. Political parties quickly condemned the attacks, and the government and Muslim NGOs offered to help and contributed towards the church rebuilding fund.

I kept wondering how God felt about all this...He must be sad. God sees our hearts and motives, and I think He would prefer it if we used all our time and energy to worship and get to know Him, do His will and learn to love each other instead of fighting over what we call Him. And He knows that though we may be passionate about fighting for justice or our rights, once this is over and done with, we might not even utter His name with a heart that loves Him.

Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37-38

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010, Here I Come

I woke up on the 1st of January 2010 with a sense of excitement that it's going to be a great year with lots of changes and surprises.

I've been asking God for new experiences in my life and I feel that He will unfold them for me this year. The condition is that I have to empty my cup, because God cannot fill a cup that is already full. And I have to trust and obey Him wholeheartedly and know that His plans are much greater than anything I can imagine.

God assured me that He can use anyone and He doesn't always choose the strongest, smartest or most beautiful ones. He chooses the ones who don't think they are good enough, and He makes them top of the class. God can use me, as long as I am willing and follow Him every step of the way.

Below are the pictures of the begonia plant that I propogated last year, a little shoot has grown out from it! It is the year of new beginnings :)