Sunday, March 29, 2009

The First Rule

This is a story of Snowy the dog. Snowy was sent into the world as a puppy to fulfill a mission. As Snowy grew up, he knew that Daddy his Creator loved him immensely and always watched over him.  He was taught 2 rules in life; to love Daddy more than anything in the world and to love his fellow dogs.  

As Snowy grew older, he saw how adult dogs around him would hurt one another. He told Daddy that he always wanted to have a tender puppy heart. One day, he decided to work at a house that was made to heal dogs. Snowy found a job as a clown in that place and that made him very happy and thankful!  

As time passed, Snowy was given more tasks. Besides being a clown, he was also given a pack of other dogs to care for - sled dogs, herd dogs, guard dogs and pet dogs. Although Snowy felt exhausted at times, he loved taking care of the pack of dogs because they were so unique and special.  Snowy knew that his Daddy loved all of them very much.

After awhile, Snowy felt that he could not continue as a clown anymore. Everyone wanted his clown shows and he had run out of ideas. Caring for the pack of dogs took a lot of time and effort too. Snowy knew that a new clown must be found. However, he still loved working with the pack of dogs and found that his Daddy had given him a special gift to care for other dogs. So he told his master of this. His master listened and Snowy felt happy. Meanwhile, Snowy continued to do many clown shows.

Sometime later, Snowy was summoned to see the master. Snowy was told that the master had decided to entrust the pack of dogs under his care to another dog, and Snowy was to learn to be a better clown. The master felt that Snowy was not good enough as a clown.

Snowy felt sad to hear the news because he now had to let go the pack of dogs he loved and cared for to another dog. His master felt that the new dog would do a better job than him in getting all the dogs to perform better. And he would have to just be a better clown. Snowy knew that he could not be the clown that the master wanted. 

Nevertheless, Snowy believed that his Daddy still had a special mission for his life. And as Snowy made a crucial decision in the midst of a difficult situation, he remembered the first rule - to love Daddy more than anything in this world. And in remembering the first rule, he knew that Daddy would take care of him always.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Loved Dog

I read a book recently called 'The Loved Dog' by Tamar Geller. Her approach to dog training is through rewards and love and I have found this approach most effective for my dogs.

Spottie is half Dobermann and Bully is a Bull Terrier, and they're about the same age. Spottie has a more aggressive trait in him compared to Bully, and Bully just wants to play all the time.

When Bully came, they fought once. I suspect that Bully jumped on Spottie playfully while Spottie was trying to retrieve a bone near him and Spottie attacked. Bully sustained a head injury but recovered quick and Spottie was unharmed. It was shocking because Bully held on to Spottie's neck and didn't let go. One trait of the bull terrier is that they bite and don't let go.

So I began my search of effective dog training to make them friends. One thing the family did was to assure both of them that they were very loved. We played with them, took them on frequent walks together and gave them a lot of treats together. I'd sit both Bully and Spottie together (Bully is always leashed when Spottie is running loose for safety purposes), and give them treats. Now they would naturally sit whenever I'm out with them, anticipating their favourite treats!

Of course the family maintains the safety measures like not allowing both to run free together because we don't want another fight. Nevertheless, things are pretty good at home now as they can sleep close together as long as they're kept at arm's length from each other. And they don't provoke each other.

I think its very important for the dogs to feel secure and loved, they sense it from us and will be much calmer and loving in return. Both Spottie and Bully are like babies at home. However, we respect the fact that they are dogs and must do what dogs like to do - go on walks, get their physical exercise, respect their hierarchies and understand their canine instincts.

Also, dogs need to be socialised with each other from young. Both Spottie and Bully have friends around the neighbourhood and we allow them to play and sniff one another while on their walks. However, we have to be very alert when dogs are socialising because its not always that they get along.

Dogs are a joy to have around. When I get home, they always put a smile on my face. I have learnt a lot from my dogs over the years and I thank God for what He's taught me through them.

Monday, March 23, 2009


I'm not the type of person who wants to make it big. Nor am I the type who is comfortable with too much attention or fame. I like hanging out with close friends and family, and don't particularly like to meet new people that often.  I enjoy silence and being alone, listening to my own thoughts and tuning in to God's voice.  

I was watching a travel programme on TV today, and something I heard struck me.  It went like this, "People ask me how can I put my life on hold like that (to travel)? And my answer is how can you not?"  

That made me think - If there's a specific calling in my life to do something, how can I not do it? It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, they won't understand because my calling in life is unique. I should not let anyone dictate what I do in life, although they can advise - as long I know God's specific call for me and the passion that cannot be extinguished from my heart.

Thoo and me had the opportunity to meet a missionary last Sunday.  He told us that we have to be clear of God's calling for us (in any specific work), because its His calling that will sustain us through difficult times.  He heard God call him to be a missionary very clearly and that led him to 10 fulfilling years serving in the opposite side of the world.

I believe that if God has called us to do any specific work, He will make it clear to us and He will sustain us if we sincerely seek Him.  God does not have to go through different people (of higher rank, etc) to speak to us because we have a direct relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.  

but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.  John 14:31

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Good and Faithful Servant

Been quite an exhausting but interesting day. Struggled to wake up at 6:15 am after only about 5 hours sleep last night (not easy for a person who needs 8 hours sleep a night like me).  

Today marks the start of the 3 day National Children's Workers Conference. Am really thankful for the staff and Dew Crew who worked really hard to get things in place.  

Am quite sleepy at this point after running around for about 16 hours... but want to mention a few things so that I will remember!

Learnt a few things at two of Sam Tee's workshop today called 'Clownology' and 'Creative Arts in Missions'. That each of us has specific skills that God has given us and we must use it to tell of His love to others. This gift can be anything from cooking to being a clown!  And God has not only called us to be faithful but also to be good, hence 'Good and faithful servant'. So when we want to use our gifts, we have to maximise them and explore unique opportunities to use them. I like this quote from Sam - 'Repetition is the mother of all skills'.  The way to obtain a skill is to do it again and again. 

Like always, I hope our efforts in supporting this event will bear much fruit that will last and will not just pass as another event.  Sam told the workshop participants today that it is time to do something practical, and not just hop from one conference to another.

Ok, its midnight.  I better sleep if I want to get 6 hours sleep tonight.  

Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Smiles

Today's been a really wonderful day. Woke up around 10 am, had a sumptious buffet lunch with my colleagues and went to Ikea after that to buy some items for my future home. Spent the rest of the day at home with the dogs, had dinner with my parents, watched tv and did some reading and journalling. 

I'm cherishing today because the rest of this week's going to be really packed and the late nights will start again. Got another call from a bank today. I've been getting so many of these calls from different banks offering me more credit, loans, insurance and all kinds of schemes. They really seem to be quite desperate for business.  I've gotten immune to all these offers, and once I discover that they want to 'offer' me something, I turn them down straight away (politely, of course). 

As for wedding plans, the most recent thing we've done is review the guest list. Its growing on my end! We've also ordered our wedding bands and they were on discount. The rings are not too expensive or fancy, but something we can wear comfortably everyday.  

One thing I'm looking forward to after getting married is learning how to cook! Yes, I have been inspired by my mum and friends who can cook so well. I used to cook during my university days, but I have hardly ever cooked anything proper since returning to Malaysia.  Time to start again before I get too old. Plus we need to eat healthily and save some money! Moreover, I do believe that cooking well is a pre-requisite of being a good wife (Must be the Chinese genes). 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

3 Conferences... and more to come!

I love tulips.  Thoo gave me a bouquet of it during Valentine's day last year. It must have cost a bomb so I'm glad I took pictures of it!

On another note, this week's been quite busy.. handling 3 major conferences together.  The dvd & cd orders for Discipleship Conference are back, all 700+ sets and 4 of us took 2 hours to compile them and arrange them alphabetically. It felt like quite an achievement.  

Then the Parenting Conference is next week, and we're in the midst of scheduling volunteers, compiling music, videos, powerpoint notes, etc. Oh! I just remembered... I better check that I have enough DV tapes!

Missions Conference is next month, and there are already a few videos I'm supposed to do.  Did a short video shoot of the speaker this morning. Thank God I've finished the mission trips video, otherwise I'd feel quite stressed.  

I do get frustrated when some people forget that the media department handles the before, during and after process of every conference.  Plus each conference is headed by different people. It takes about a minimum of a month to go through the entire process. So I do get stressed handling one conference a month on top of everything else.  That means everything runs back to back.

Anyway, came home early today and spent time with Spottie & Bully.  Kinda missed them over the week, rushing out every morning and coming back at midnight everyday. I'm glad I took time to recuperate and do some reading, journalling and watching tv tonight :) 

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My morning prayers

I pray each morning driving to work. I start by asking God to forgive me of my sins (like David says, they overwhelm me and are more than the hairs on my head) and I know my prayers won't go through when I have a whole bulk of sins blocking my prayers. So need to get the sins out of the way. Then I thank God for His love, grace and mercies towards me. Because I honestly don't think I will be alive today (or can make it alive for the next few minutes) without it. Then I pray for my sick friends and relatives. Sadly, there are so many people with sicknesses nowadays and every prayer counts. Sometimes I think whether my little prayer will make any difference to someone who is so sick, but then I think again, maybe it means everything. And if I were sick, I'd really appreciate someone praying for me.

Then I pray for my stuff - my work, my ministries, my life. Everyday, I ask God to lead and guide me, to make His will my will, and that His will be done. Sometimes I'll feel worried praying that, because I have no idea what God has planned. But then life is really not worth living if I miss out His will for me completely and do something I wasn't created to do. And I remind myself daily that I am nothing without Him. I usually add in little things in my prayers, like now I'm praying that God will make my 2 dogs Bully and Spottie love each other so that they will not fight. And so far they have been really good!

Then the end is my favourite. Not because I'm ending the prayers, but because the end part keeps me alive. Everyday, for the past... maybe over 10 years, I've prayed this. I ask God for His protection and good health for my family members (including my dogs & parrot) and I ask Jesus to cover us with His blood. With His blood over us, nothing can harm us. Then I just see all the evil stuff fleeing from us :) Then I say, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
1 John 4:4

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wedding Stuff

Here I am talking about wedding stuff again. Firstly, wedding cards. My original plan (months ago) was to be lazy and just get a wedding card shop to do my invitations. That plan ended when I got the quote. It was a really nice shop (quite far away) with lots of pretty designs on the shelf. So we asked for a quote. I admit, I wasn't being very thrifty in the way I wanted it - a few colours, a few sheets of paper plus a ribbon. The quote was minimum RM5+. Wow, we did some calculations and that would be RM2000+. Moreover, I wasn't impressed with the design! Honestly, I was thinking I can do a better job than this! (so action, right?)

So with the help of a few good friends, I designed my own card. Its not spectacular or anything like that, just simple and very 'us'. I sent it for a quote at one of the printers from work and it was just RM1+! I was overjoyed because it has a few colours and is also in the packaging I like.

The moral of this is, if you can, have fun designing your own card (and get some ideas and help from friends). It will save you money!