Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I did something stupid today. I found a grasshopper on the floor in my room when I came back home tonight. So I just took it in a tissue and threw it out the window (assuming it'll just fly off). To my horror, there was a grasshopper leg left on the floor. I don't know what happened and why it's leg just dropped off like that! So I did some research to check whether grasshoppers' legs grow back. Someone said they do, but I'm not sure whether its a joke. And I checked whether the grasshopper could fly. Some said they can, but mostly they just hop very well, provided they still have that hind leg. So tonight, I learnt a little about grasshoppers. Even found out that some people keep them as pets! And they live for about a year. That's a short life. I feel quite bad about throwing the poor thing out the window. Maybe I should've placed it nicely on the grass or fed it some lettuce... oh well... it's gone now.

On another note, I've been busy editing a mission trips video for missions training. I've really enjoyed doing this video, although it's very tedious - looking at hours of (some very shaky) footage from dv tapes, dvds, mini dvds and hundreds of photos.... Sometimes I get annoyed that people take such bad videos (pardon my honesty) - leaving it on record when they're sleeping! And sometimes the videos are so shaky I begin to get dizzy and have to stop for awhile. But after the patience-testing task of transferring footage that I want comes the fun part of putting it all together!

Anyway, I better go to bed now because tomorrow is another full day of video editing!

Monday, February 16, 2009

New dog at home

We officially have a new dog at home. And we found out his real name. This is what happened over the weekend. My dad and brother were walking Spottie and the bull terrier (whom we named Bobby for awhile) on Saturday evening when a family walking their 2 rottweilers identified Bobby as their dog Bully.

They said they had planned to give Bully away because they didn't get a permit to keep him since they already had 2 rottweilers. However, before they could give him away Bully ran away on his own. They told dad he could keep Bully. So dad's really happy and took Bully to visit his previous owners the next day.

Bully's been really sweet and having a ball since we've been spoiling him a lot. Spottie and him get along quite well, except that they can't play together because Bully tends to jump right at Spottie playfully and this gets Spottie angry. They can sleep side by side, as long as the grill separates them. Now they go on walks together (if one of us is free to go with dad), and have snacks together to help them be better friends. And we have to be careful not to leave their toys and stuff around because this could trigger a fight.

It's interesting how God works. I'm glad we took Bully in although we have to accommodate changes at home. Its a learning experience for all of us. At first we thought we'd just call him Bobby anyway, but we realised he only responds to Bully. Thank God we found out his real name! God works in mysterious ways :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Let the Wedding Plans begin!

This is going to be an exciting year. Wedding plans have started and thank God, everything's moving on smoothly. There are so many things to think about and decide on, the budget, the card, the venue, the gown, the bridal party, the guest list......

Hoi Hian and me have decided that the most important thing for our wedding is that it honours God above everything else. And that we'll be a blessing to our family, friends and relatives who attend our wedding. We don't want it to be just another wedding, where everything's perfect and beautiful and grand to the smallest detail. As long as God's happy, we're happy.

So it's quite a joy planning for the wedding. It's easy depending on God because things just fall into place one by one. I really thank God for my parents and friends who have been so supportive and willing to help in so many areas. The theme for our wedding is 'Blessed' because we're indeed so blessed by God and we want to be a blessing to others.

I feel that God has been taking me to another level of faith lately, not just in terms of wedding preparations but in many other things. I was reminded recently that there are really so many things we cannot control. Our lives are so fragile, anything can happen anytime. But thank God He is always watching over us and we can always count on Him. And having that thought enables me to get through difficult days and grants me sleep at night. It's the comfort of knowing that my Shepherd is watching over me and that whatever happens, He will never forsake me.

Psalm 23:1-3
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.