Here's Faith, a miraculous dog who was taught to walk on two legs because she was born deformed. But her human family patiently taught her to walk on two legs, and she eventually did. In Faith's official website, they attributed this miracle to Jesus.. because teaching Faith to walk like that was truly supernatural :) I was very touched by this story because it reminds me of how people are sometimes, so broken, deformed and lifeless. And nobody sees any good in them and thinks they are better dead. But God comes along and sees a beautiful life and he gives them a miracle and a brand new beginning :)
I was born with an intense love for dogs. I remember going to my grandparents' house when I was about five, and I'd head straight to Mickey, the golden labrador and spend my evening patting his head until my hands were all black (because Mickey wasn't exactly the cleanest dog in town). When Mickey died, Captain the boxer came and I loved him the same. But Captain wasn't that easy to pat because he was really hyperactive.
Looking back at family pictures, I saw myself as a five year old with my tongue sticking out - because I wanted to be the family dog. I got my first dog at 14, he was a Pekingese cross Shih Tzu and very lovely! When he was growing up as a puppy, my family felt that maybe he would feel left out as the only dog in the house, so we bought Titi (meaning little brother), a Shih Tzu. I was so proud to have 2 new brothers. I'd tell all my friends that I had 3 brothers - 1 human and 2 furry ones. I learnt much from Butchie and Titi - about love, loyalty and being 'human'. When I cried, Butchie would lick me until I stopped crying. So I would end up with a wet face and also a wet leg.
As I was growing up, I'd spend hours reading dog books. Learning about all the different type of breeds, temperament, height, weight and all that! Now I realise that I can identify all kinds of dogs without much difficulty.
Butchie and Titi died a few years ago - they were 15 and 13. I cried a whole lot of course - it was like losing family members. People say dogs don't go to heaven, but I know - for all the things that God has taught me through my dogs, and all the love I've felt through them, and how God does the impossible and answers my prayers - they are in heaven.
Now I have Spottie - my friends found him in a drain a few years ago. He came as a puppy - shivering, tiny and hungry. And now he's a wonderful family member, dad walks him at least 4 times a day and mum cooks him chicken rice everyday. I love him immensely, just like how I loved Butchie and Titi. I love walking with him on my off days, seeing him so happy enjoying nature and meeting all his doggie friends.
I've never been angry with my dogs - I have been bitten many times by them. Once I had to be rushed to the clinic because I was bleeding profusely after separating my dogs from a potential fight. When I came back, I hugged my dog and told him its OK and I still loved him. When I see 'dog' movies, I cry easily because I can't stand seeing dogs suffer. I love everything about my dogs - the tail that is 'too long', the ear that is 'crooked', the smell from not bathing, the cute look when they sleep...
Having this love for dogs helps me understand God's love for me. That God loves me so exceedingly much and nothing can change His love for me. God loves me so much more than how I love my dogs. His love is immeasurable. He loves me unconditionally regardless of how I look, what my achievements are or how many times I've failed. And God will always take me in no matter how broken or useless I appear to be - look what Faith and Spottie have become. God works miracles.... and He worked a miracle in me by giving me a love for dogs.
I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. Psalm 89:1
Saturday, July 12, 2008
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