Saturday, March 8, 2008

Just listening

There are so many blogs and some really great writers out there. With all the talent across the web, I doubt anyone actually reads my blog except me. I haven't been writing here since September, but been writing in my private journals at home. I can put more in-depth stuff there.

Just find that there are lots of people who need a listening ear. Maybe having more listeners instead of bloggers will make a bigger difference in the world. There's no balance in everyone talking and hardly anyone listening. Everyone's fighting to be heard.

Election day today in Malaysia. We've been bombarded by political views lately. Flags everywhere, different faces representing different parties stuck all over the place. I just hope for more social justice, more fear of God, more animal rights, more transparency, less corruption, less lies, less pride, more voice to every race and religion. Don't want people who can just talk a lot, but do nothing to bring improvement to the country.